Trees: Improving Their Health F24

Trees: Improving Their Health





Discounts & Other Fees:

$5 Resident Discount

Location: Instructor:
  • Archie Autenreith
All participants must be 18 years of age or older.

Meeting Times

  • Wednesday 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


In-person class at Fox Chapel Area High School.

tree careNEW! Did you know tree care starts from the trunk down? And that you can help impact and improve the health of your trees by making changes that focus on improvements to the root zone?

A tree's root flare, where the trunk widens into the roots, and root zone are critical to overall tree health. These areas are too often ignored or damaged which leads to increased overall stress, sucsceptibility to pests, girdling roots inhibiting your tree's vascular system, and the eventual decline of the tree as a whole.
Join Archie Authenreith, Board Certified Master Arborist and owner of Northwood Tree Care LLC, for an evening focused on helping you maintain healthier trees on your property. While many of us already know "mulch volcanoes" can disrupt tree health, Archie will expand on this often-overlooked area of tree management, teaching sustainable methods homeowners can use to care for trees in a climate forward approach.

Archie's passion for tree care and ecology is summarized by his company's philosophy "We believe educating people on the needs of their trees helps homeowners to make informed decisions in regards to the maintenance of their trees and greater landscape."


  • Class Fee $35.00
Total: $35.00

Are all participants 18 years of age or older?

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