Core Fitness and Strength: At Home with Beth S24

Core Fitness and Strength: At Home with Beth




3/6/2024 to 5/15/2024

Discounts & Other Fees:

$5 Resident Discount

  • Zoom - FCAAE Secure Class Link
  • Beth Ryce
All participants must be 18 years of age or older.

Meeting Times

  • Wednesday 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Live Zoom video class - bring your questions! 

  • Class is recorded by FCAAE and automatically emailed to all registrants. 
  • Recording is available for you to use as often as your schedule allows for the week.
  • To protect your privacy, the recording will only contain video of the Instructor. If you ask questions, only your audio will be recorded.

Note later start time for spring! For men and women. Our bodies often compensate for a weak core by relying on our legs to balance us. The simplest way to add more core strengthening to your workout - eliminate the standing!

Whether you join for the live Zoom class - or follow this guided workout on your own schedule - enjoy strengthening your core and body without being on your feet. After a brief standing warm-up, the rest of the exercises will be done on your back, belly, hands, and knees. Get your heart rate moving while you strengthen and tone from your floor, sofa, bed...whatever you prefer! 

Adaptations for every fitness level. No special equipment needed! You are welcome to use resistance bands and/or weights if you own them but common household objects can also enhance your workout.

Short on time or energy? Class is structured so every major muscle group is worked during the first half. The recording makes it easy to pick up where you left off AND stay fit on your schedule.

A perfect complement to Monday's At Home Fitness and Strength Training for All.

Additional Notes

No class April 10th.

You only need a few items to fully participate - along with your water:

  • A mat or extra towels to help cushion your knees, especially if your floor isn't carpeted.
  • Weights or substitute a gallon jug filled with liquid (8 lbs) or half-gallon filled jug (4 lbs)
  • Resistance bands or substitute a bungee cord or bungee leash
  • Kettlebell or dumbbell or substitute a cloth grocery bag/small duffel bag/large purse/medium bucket + canned goods or book
  • Step stool or aerobic step 


  • Class Fee $98.00
Total: $98.00

Note: Registration has ended

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